Its' That Time To Catch Up1

Well, Well, Well it looks to me That we need to keep an eye on our Senate and Congressmen. So I am going to post a web site that tells who votes for or against a policy. For instance The Coalition for Medicare Choices: The address to Vote Tracker is See how your politician did.
Copy and paste if need be. The new health care reform law includes cuts to Medicare Advantage (MA) that will have a significant impact on millions of seniors who currently depend on this coverage option. These cuts are the largest the program has ever seen: more than $200 billion in cuts. The reduction in funding may lead to higher premiums and limit the choices and benefits that seniors currently rely on through their MA plans. Is this fair? Not only do they NOT get a raise for the last two years, but now this. It up sets me very much many of these people fought in wars and their wives took care of their children and worked to pay their keep and taxes while their husbands were away at war. These people paid tax after tax. Why expect them to have to pay for all the damages done today? Go after big companies that went over seas. Go after the oil companies STOP Their Tax Breaks. American government does not seem to care about the elderly it's like lets kill them off this way we won't have to pay them at all. I don't see The Senate or the house taking a cut in pay or giveing up some of their perks. Come get real. I only wish I could get someones else opinion on this matter be no one will read it so I am off again Later maybe happer time. God Bless and have a great day.

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