Every one here is doing OK. I am back to myself. I am looking forward to spring my best time of year. I went to the doctors last week and had some blood work done. I have been in a lot of pain lately, probably like a lot of you. My Doctor recommended the blood work. She said we need to check my blood levels. I suggest some of you who are suffering do so. Just like she said my vitamin D is very low. I didn't think they (pain and vitamin D) were related. So she now has me on 2000 mg. Of vitamin D and she also added 2000 mg. of fish oil for my cholesterol. It is just a little high and at the age of 60 soon to be 61, I should take it so I may be able to say away from cholesterol pills. Hopefully it will do the trick . My Doctor tries to stay away from drugs and will check it out in three months to see if it is working. I Just thought I would share that bit with you. Who knows may be it will help one or two of you.
I also have some animals they are Gokoo my dog, excuse the eyes we were playing around .Jack is my cat born under my bed, and Laurel and Hardy the birds.
Believe you me , They are the best cure for any thing that ails you. They make you laugh all the time. Give so much love and ask nothing in return.
I am rambling on a little today Oh well God be with you all and Keep your faith up and Pray for all bye till next time.
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