Mom this one's in memory of you. I would like to thank my Mom for teaching me right from wrong, to be a able to love , to be responsible and grow in independence, to know how much she gave of herself to teach us these things. For the spankings we got when we did wrong, which made me strong and now that I am older really,really kept us on our toes.
I remember saying when I grow up "I won't do that to my children, hahahah". I can only wish I was as good a mom as she was.
None of her children ever got into trouble, at least anything bad. Sure we did some of the mischievous things kids do but all in all we turned out OK. My older sister was a housewife and is now a grandmother to 13 I believe.
The next sister was a nurse and has 1 son and 1 granddaughter.
Then there is a brother, Dan. He served in the navy and when he got out became a therapist, now retired , has been married 33 yrs, produced 2 boys and a girl , and Dan and wife Sharon have 9 grand kids.
So MOM, if you can read this from heaven THANK You , You are my hero and always will be. You are the best. I love you soooooo much and miss you more. Happy Mothers day! Her are some pictures of my Mom and Her Mom. My Mom passed away Sept.1,2001. Her memory will live on a long time.
And to my daughter Kelly you must show me how to place these pictures right. Heheheheh.

Mom, I am so happy to read this lovely post and see the beautiful photos. She was one hell of gal and I miss her terribly too! But you also are so special mom and even though I do tell you, I sometimes wonder if you know how much you mean to me...so very much. I am thinking of you especially today ( although I think of you everyday!). Love, kelly p.s. tweaked your pics for you.
You girls are making me tear up - great post and Happy Mother's Day!!
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