Well, this will be short one, But I had the best mothers day ever. I received a lovely Birdhouse feeder from Barbara and a new PC camera from Kelly. I was so excited. Kelly and I laughed for a good hour playing around with the camera making funny faces !
I laughed so hard that my sides were killing me.
Barbara and I are going to put the feeder up in my yard, Just outside the patio so I can watch the birds eat. We have so many lovely birds here in Ohio. Bluebirds, cardinals, Differe

I think the only mothers day that will be better is when Kelly comes home and we can all be a family again. I dream of the day when Paul, Kelly , Georgie Dillon, Barb , Thomas and sweet Aron can all go to church together. Then have a country picnic and all enjoys one an other's company. That is my Ideal Mothers day.
Well, I said it would be short so here's wishing you all a Great year and every days a Mothers day!!