It is I again! I listened to President Obama the other night. He is a well spoken man and very down to earth. He has a lot on his plate right now, will have for quite some time. But I want to talk about the little things that matter to the people. Social Security, Jobs, schools, gangs and God. I will do them in that order.
First lets start out with Social Security: I have a dear friend, names don't matter. She has been a housewife for years, maybe worked a year or so when there was no money to be made. Now she is going to be 62 years old. Her husband, who worked forever, collects S.S. and a pension brings in close to $3000.00 A month. Plus she does foster children which is not taxed.I am not sure how much she makes there but it is a lot because she takes in troubled girls. God Bless her. Which is great. Please don't get me wrong but I am torn what is right. Now from what I hear she will be entitled to her husbands s.s. so they will add another close to $700.00 a month. I always thought the wife collected his Social Security when that spouse dies, and not until. Social Security has come a long way. I know when My Ed died I was told I will never see a dime of that money because I made more money than him. I feel this is fair because there are a lot of us out there that really need S.S. we have no pensions. It is no wonder Social Security is going broke. How many people are collecting twice. I am a disable person and I can not work. I can't stand long and the pain when I do is awful. Shouldn't I get part of my husbands money? My answer is no, I think some of these laws should be changed. Or at least looked at. NO double dipping. To many people will need it. Lets share the wealth.
First lets start out with Social Security: I have a dear friend, names don't matter. She has been a housewife for years, maybe worked a year or so when there was no money to be made. Now she is going to be 62 years old. Her husband, who worked forever, collects S.S. and a pension brings in close to $3000.00 A month. Plus she does foster children which is not taxed.I am not sure how much she makes there but it is a lot because she takes in troubled girls. God Bless her. Which is great. Please don't get me wrong but I am torn what is right. Now from what I hear she will be entitled to her husbands s.s. so they will add another close to $700.00 a month. I always thought the wife collected his Social Security when that spouse dies, and not until. Social Security has come a long way. I know when My Ed died I was told I will never see a dime of that money because I made more money than him. I feel this is fair because there are a lot of us out there that really need S.S. we have no pensions. It is no wonder Social Security is going broke. How many people are collecting twice. I am a disable person and I can not work. I can't stand long and the pain when I do is awful. Shouldn't I get part of my husbands money? My answer is no, I think some of these laws should be changed. Or at least looked at. NO double dipping. To many people will need it. Lets share the wealth.
Jobs: If our Government would not have shipped our jobs over seas we would not be in this mess. If the bank's weren't so greedy we would not be in this mess & If the unions and works weren't so greedy we would not be in this mess. Saying that If we could eliminate greed we would be in a great world.
This STIMULUS package what a laugh , no accountability at all . The money should have had rules. States should account for every dime of the money to put people to work not to build new conference centers or sports stadiums. We should be taking some old factories and refurbishing them and make new solar power roofs and things of that nature . But no , greed will get that money also.
Schools , now they're doing a pretty good job there but again they need to have a lesson in how to dress or start wearing uniforms with a code, like tuck shirts in and skirts just above the knees or longer. Pants should be worn from waist to top of feet and there should be a class for common sense. My mom use to say you can't teach common sense but I still think it can be done.
Gangs: Lets start caning them, beat the tar out of them and the younger ones will think twice. OOPS I think I said that before in past blog. So I will leave it go. hahahhahah ! Also there are a lot of people out there that made mistakes in their lives, some innocent mistakes. I am not sure how to write this but I feel they need a chance to correct that mistake. First time felons with the lowest felony, if they stay clean and follow all the rules for 5 years should have their felony reduced to a misdemenor. But that is only my opinion.
And last but most important, God,. Now here is the way I see it. We have thrown God out of our lives. What can we expect from our children but trouble. Look at the trash on TV at the movies . There are a lot of great books out there with God in then like "THE LEFT BEHIND BOOKS",
"THE SHACK" just to name a couple but believe me I could go on for quite a while. Hollywood stop teaching trash to our kids. Obama Bring God back to the people, back to this country.
OK got to go . Talk to you soon God Bless every one. I am waiting for you Lord!
1 comment:
Hi mom, well, there are alot of things to comments on in this post but some issues I am not able to comment on because I don't know that much about them, like SS. People usually don't like to talk too specifically about their money so we dont know the true amount of what your "friend" receives and why but if she has told you the truth about it and she is not mistaken, it does seem strange but as I said, I know very little about it. I agree that too many jobs have been shifted overseas and greed has taken over. This does seriously need to be corrected. Im not sure how you go about correcting greed except putting regulations on the baks and teaching children from the youngest age NOT to be greedy and hoping that will stay with them through their lives.
I don't know the details about the stimulus packages because the media hype is so big about the "credit crunch" that I try to avoid reading too much about it. I don't bury my head in the sand but I am trying to keep positive by enjoying the simpler things in life instead.
I agree with you about the schools, there should be strict dress codes or uniforms and the kids can have fun with the styles outside of school. The thing about the jeans hanging right off the backside is ridiculous and seemed to stem from rappers years ago but still remains. Boring and silly.
With regards to gangs, it is hard to know what is the best thing to do. When you look into the family situations, many of these kids are from such awful backgrounds that it is no wonder why they ended up in gangs. Still you can not use that as an excuse because where would that get us? Their children would then become trouble and so one down the line and nothing would change. The habit needs to be broken thats for sure, so the violence and hatred doesn't continue down the line. Removing these kids from the situations seems like a good idea but that opens up another whole new topic. I do think that anyone who has commited a violent act should be treated quite harshly. I also agree that for first time mistakes, providing it is not violent, it should be reduced if they remain totally clean for 5 years.
God: well you know I agree with you. When God "left" the homelives of so many people is when things got worse. You often get lots of young know-it-all types that preach what they have heard others say about keeping God out of schools etc, that religion is the cause of so many woes, but this has nothing to do with God, it is people's mis-interpretation's that causes problems, like with the terrorists. I also agree that Hollywood and film producers and media have alot to answer for but don't parents also, who let their children watch these rubbish programs? I know it's not easy but we have to do what is right whether or not we feel the pressure from society to do what everyone else does.
Love you much.
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