It's Time To Stand Up Again!

Hi, I am back again. Today I wish to express a thought that came to me at 2:00 A.M. this morning. Or should I say a question. Why have so many Christians allowed GOD to be taken out of our schools? Off some of the oldest buildings. But yet a swastika's can stay! Public or not it is crazy!! Why have we not spoke up about it? This great country was based on religion , was it not? A few non-believers stood up and got their way and had Him removed and we just let it happen. Look at the children today. Always troubled in some way. Lost, confused,disrespectful and no morals. You see so very few in church. Its no wonder why it is. We need to write our congressmen , senators and the President too. Let them know how we stand. Here is my problem. No one reads this and I am talking to myself. I guess maybe a petition would be a start. How many would sign it? At least we could have voted weather we wanted Him to stay or not. That is what this country is about right? Well I pity the person who decided to oust Him (God that is), can you picture him or her or both on judgement day. What does the bible teach? He who speaks for Me , I will speak to my Father for him and he that Deny's Me I will also deny them. Think about it. It's time get things together. God loves us. Let us love God. Bless you all.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

C'mon mom, keep writing! I want to see another post please.