"We’ve got to rein in the deficit to put our economy on stronger footing and ensure that seniors and middle-class families aren’t bearing the entire burden when millionaires and billionaires, oil companies, hedge fund managers and corporate jet owners are let off the hook.
It comes down to this. You shouldn't need to have lobbyists on the payroll to have your voice heard in Washington. And in your financial dealings, you deserve a basic measure of protection against abuse. You should have the freedom to buy a home or open a credit card or take out a student loan with confidence that you’re getting a fair deal."
As always I hear a lot of words from Washington but nothing is ever done! So I decided to help out. Here are a few suggestions.
Social Security reform;
1) any one on drugs collecting SSI will be given 1 year to clean up their act. No more than one year. If they choose to continue taking drugs then they will foot the bill them self's. If they have children , the children will be taken away and placed with child services.To be raised by a druggie is creating another druggie, it is child abuse.No more free money.
2)Social security was not meant for a retirement program, but seems it has turned into one. Fine you work, you pay and you collect. But a spouse can not also collect while the other spouse is alive ( if you earned $1500.00 in S.S. a month that is what your family gets not when your wife hit 62 she also get $900. It is not our fault she decided not to work .That is not fair) and If that spouse passes on the remaining spouse should collect the funds only up to the amount that the spouse collected o S.S. and that's including the the kids. No separate funds till the kids reach a certain age.If the spouse that is alive is able to work and support the kids and is to be able to earn enough money 100% the low income for as many family members in the household nothing is needed to be given . If the spouse is left with little income then only then is money to be given. What as it stands now ( say a dad passes away each of the kids collects around $900.00 Bucks well no more maybe $900.00 for 2 Kids $1200. for three, etc.) And Only till they are Eighteen.
I said it before open up hospitals for the seniors .The young learn from them, Let them help in the senior hospitals and schools. That would be helping the old and the young.
Now some ways to collect revenue:
1) Loop hole need to be closed On the millionaires and billionaires. My Goodness how much money do they need. The eye of the needle is so small a camel will never get through it. There will be no place in Heaven for them.Greed a major no no.
2)I don't want to single out the oil companies but I have no choice No more tax breaks.Stop catering to these co. Start local trains To go from town to town to pick up locals . Then the cars don't have to be using up all the oil.
3) Stop hedge fund managers and corporate jet owners need to be taken care of I am a laymen given enough time I could come up with something maybe a new tax.
4) I am not going to stop there Senators , congressmen and Lobbyists need to take a pay cut after all the seniors have not even had a raise in two years.Our bills need to be paid also.I would say 10-15% would be fair. No more first class jet or plane rides no more write offs for lunches. I never got paid for lunch.
Lets also look at the youth today I can see if they break the law public caning should be considered maybe the next kid will think twice. Stop coddling the people in prison, their there for a reason. OK.
Well here are just a few ideas. Try them. May God show each one of us what to do. Won't you please write your Washington leaders try to give some input. After all this is our country.
A picture says a Thousand words!
Hi, Just a few lines to show you a picture of the sky here in Ohio, About two weeks ago we had one hell of a storm. The sky was fierce. With the heat wave and the rain pouring down , I thought something was going to happen. Don't think I'm crazy but the clouds have looked a lot like the Devil himself. With the times such as they are, maybe he is really getting ready for tribulations. I hope we are ready. Take a look at this picture . You tell me what you see.

Spirtual Growth
Have you ever read the bible and come across a parable and not understood what the meaning was? So you might give it a lot of thought, and you are really not sure. Well I believe what God wanted you to do is get together with your friends and family hear what they think it meant. Then ask your religious leader what it meant. Keep The Lords word alive. Pray alone or in a group. It does not matter ,do both. Spreading the joy is what matters.
Matthew 23: 1-23 gives both the parable and the meaning. Oh how easy it would be to understand the bible if they all were easy. But if all were easy would we have a chance to be saved? Christ's life was not easy. But everyday He went out and talked among His people and believe me I don't think all were His followers , at least when they started listening. Many walked away and didn't listen at all; only listened to see if they could charge Him with something. But thank God many did listen and we have his word today.
In Matthew this is what is said..... I won't go over the whole chapter, you really need to read for yourself. ......."

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