I live in Ohio and as you know it is cold here not as cold as Montana but cold. This year we received a freezing wind like everyone else and snow everyday except yesterday and today since 1-1-2010. The temp is above freezing, finally. Its' suppose to go in the 40's, what a heat wave. I love the snow but I will be glad when it goes. My favorite seasons are spring and fall, forget the other two.
Any way, like everyone else I want to show you my Christmas tree. It is a little one . No sense in using a big tree, there is only me. If it weren't for the grand kids I wouldn't even put one up. I love birds and as you can see there are a few birds nests in the tree.
I play rummy with my friend across the street all the time . One day I said to her " I have to make some candy cane mice for my grandson's class for Christmas, would you like to help?" and her reply was "OK I will try." (She is 83 years young) She was so happy to do something other than play cards. So I will put a picture of that up just so you can see what I am talking about. They are cute.

The rest of my time since New Years has been spent packing away all the Christmas stuff; glad to get the house back in order. Maybe I'll be able to post more often. To end this blog I pray for all the people in Haiti , It was such a travisty.