OK here we are having a pity party and only one person showed up. That's me! Last week I painted my wishing well in front of my house, vacumed my ceilings and cleaned my garage. It took me all week.
As many people of my day,I have a big back problem and for me to get that work done is simply amazing. Even if I do say so myself.
I wanted to take before and after pic's but something is up with my camera so until I get it fixed no pic's. Poor me boo-hoo. Today I am going to try real hard to paint my ceilings. I will start in the front bedroom. Even if I don't get them done straight away, I have all winter to do them. I just hope my paint stays good, If you know what I mean. After that I will attempt to paint the walls and put up a border.
Why you ask am I doing all this myself? Well because I am one of those people that "back seat drive's" and it causes a lot of arguing. I hate to argue. Anyway I will dictate to them how I think they should paint it and if a spot gets on the rug, have a sissy fit. So I am better off to get on with it myself, besides when it is done think of the joy I will feel knowing I did it. Who cares if I am at it all winter.
My husband Ed died 10 years ago, I am telling you this because he would never let me paint. He always would tell me " I got this mom, you go do something else", Then one day I heard him tell his buddy 'she (meaning me) was the worst painter he has ever met. But he doesn't want to hurt my feelings because I am so good at the rest of the stuff".I take it to mean cooking, cleaning , mothering and working everyday.
Ed was a good man . I would come home after working overtime and the wash would be clean and folded, the house would be clean and dinner would be on the table. I told him I would never marry again for two reasons: 1, They don't make men like him often and 2, because It would be to hard to train someone else to be like him. Not that I ever could. I guess I am writing this because he has been gone 10 years the 26th of August and he is on my mind more today. Although it is September 1st. Maybe because I am painting and it reminded me of him. But no matter what the reason the ceilings must get done. Now you know why the pity party. So I am off to do them. I will try to get the camera fixed so I can take pic's and Ed if you are listening, I LOVE YOU and Pray for you all the time. bye bye everybody wish me luck.